Help with your Lens Options  (Rimless)    

Here at, we have kept our lens options simple and sometimes FREE. Because of their high overheads, high street opticians need to charge you a lot for both frames and lenses. Online opticians will often make high profits on just the lenses. We have chosen to do neither! Our overheads are not high so there is no need to have our prices high - good for you!

●   We have FREE Single Vision 1.59 Anti-Reflection (AR)
     Polycarbonate Lenses 
for all of our rimless glasses
*. These
     lenses are particularly suited for rimless eyeglasses as they
     are tougher than normal lenses (rimless glasses are more
     liable to break as the lenses are so exposed). Polycarbonate
     lenses are used for sport: they're known as 'plastic
     aluminium' - weight for weight, they're four times the
     strength of aluminium. The material is used for riot shields.
     Because they're 1.59, they are also thin lenses. 
     Please note that we have a more limited prescription
     range for our 1.59 polycarbonate lenses than we do for
     all of our other lenses. 
Certain prescriptions will require more expensive 'surfaced'
     lenses. If this is the case for you, we will contact you very
     soon after you place your order to ask if you wish to pay
     the extra cost for 'surfaced' lenses or if you wish to change
     or cancel your order.

•   We also have FREE Clean & Clear 1.6 Thin & Lightweight
     Anti-Reflection (AR) Lenses
for all of our  rimless glasses*.
     These lenses will be noticeably 
thinner and lighter than
1.5 or 1.56 lenses.

    (You may have noticed that our Cylinder (CYL) drop-down
    forms opposite for the left and right eyes only go up to
    -2.00. However, for our 1.6 lenses, if you have a negative
    Sphere (SPH) reading, we are still able to supply, for free, 
    CYL's higher than -2.00, up to -4.00. You won't be able to
    input this onto our forms so please either upload a copy
    of your prescription to us or tell us in the 'Any Additional
    Information' form).

   Our Clean & Clear 1.67 Extra-Thin Anti-Reflection (AR)
(at just £12 extra) are even thinner and more
     lightweight than our free 1.6 lenses. They are great for
     any prescription but are particularly good for those who
     have a high prescription (sphere (SPH) reading above
     +/- 2).
Our 1.67 lenses are always Aspheric. Aspheric
     lenses allow the lenses to be made thinner and flatter.

     (You may have noticed that our Cylinder (CYL) drop-down
     forms opposite for the left and right eyes only go up to
     -2.00. However, for our 1.67 lenses, if you have a negative
     Sphere (SPH) reading, we are still able to supply, for no
     extra cost, CYL's higher than -2.00, up to -4.00. You won't
     be able to input this onto our forms so please either
     upload a copy of your prescription to us or tell us in the
     'Any Additional Information' form).

   Please select 'Frame Only' if you just require the glasses
    frame. These will be posted to you with 'dummy' (low
    quality plastic) lenses that you can easily take out (we do
    not recommend wearing glasses with dummy lenses).

•   Our 1.6 Transition® lenses (also known as 
    'Photochromatic Lenses' and available in either grey or
    brown), change colour in sunlight, meaning that you can
    use them during the day or at night. They are temperature
    dependent, darkening better in colder climates such as
    Northern Europe (in snowy conditions, they become extra
    dark, due to the intense ultraviolet light). Transitions®
    need ultraviolet rays from daylight to darken, meaning
    they're not always suitable for behind a car windscreen.
    Our thin 1.6 Transition® lenses come with anti-reflection
    (AR) coating - the higher lens index value (1.6) causes
    reflections to increase. Having an AR coating helps to
    eliminate this.


*  For the rare occurrence that you have a positive (+)
    prescription (SPH) reading, you have a small pupillary
    distance measurement and you choose a wide frame, we
    would have to use a special lens (known as a 'surfaced'
    lens) to get the centre of the lens in the correct place. In
    the unlikely event that this occurs for you, we will need to
    ask you for an additional payment. Please be assured
    that if this case arises for you, we will contact you soon
    after you place your order to ask if you wish to pay for
    the special lenses or if you wish to change or cancel your

            Help with your Prescription 

Before you order prescription glasses at, you need to have a copy of your prescription that was given to you at your last eye test. To order from us, this needs to have been within the last 2 years. If it has been longer than this time (or you have never had your eyes tested), please go to an optician and get an eye test.

After the examination,
ask for a copy of your prescription - the optician is legally obliged to give it to you. Then you'll be ready to order your glasses from us. You can also ask the optician to give you your Pupillary Distance (PD) measurement, although he/she does not have to give you this (there may be a small fee - see our ‘Pupillary Distance' section for more on this).

On your prescription, abbreviations will more than likely be used:

•  ‘R’  will refer to your   ‘Right Eye

•  ‘L’  will refer to your    ‘Left Eye’   

•  ‘SPH’  will refer to      ‘SPHERE’    

•  ‘CYL’  will refer to       ‘CYLINDER’    
•  ‘ADD’  or  ‘NEAR’ refers to ‘NEAR


This figure designates the strength of lens needed to correct your focus:  A positive (+) SPH for long sightedness (problems focusing on close objects) and a negative (-) SPH to correct short sightedness (problems focusing on far objects). If you are neither short nor long sighted, on your prescription, you will see the word PLANO or PL, or the figure 0 (sometimes 0.00), or the sign for infinity:  ∞   However, this does not necessarily mean you have perfect eyesight as you may have an astigmatism (see below).


The CYL figure helps to correct an Astigmatism - which means the eye has problems focusing at
particular angles. The eye will be slightly rugby ball shaped rather than football (soccer for our American customers!) shaped. This box on your prescription MAY BE EMPTY, in which case you do not have to put anything in the ‘CYL’ part on our prescription form. Similarly, an optician may write: ‘DS’ in the CYL box. If you see this, you can ignore the ‘CYL’ part of our form.


There will only be an AXIS figure if you have a CYL figure. It tells us where exactly on your eye the astigmatism is. Be particularly careful inputting this figure to us. It is measured in degrees from 0 to 180. Occasionally there will be a 1/2 or .5 figure.

NEAR ADDITION (ADD)                 

The ADD('s) is the Additional correction needed for READING
and/or COMPUTER USE. The figure is almost always the same for each eye so if it is just written once on your prescription, do not be confused - you can just add the same figure into both boxes on our form.


   Some prescriptions will include a figure in the
    PRISM section. The prism helps to correct such
    conditions as muscle
imbalance problems. If
    your prescription
includes a figure in the prism
    box, please get in touch with us through our
    ‘Contact Us’ page and we may be able to
    you but it will involve an additional cost.

•  Please double check you have entered the (+)
    and (-) correctly
into our form

•  Sometimes an optician may, for example,
    write: +050  or  +175  for the SPH, CYL or the
    ADD. He/she has
simply omitted the dot and
can enter into our form as: +0.50  or 

•  Sometimes, an optician may write
the + or -
    above the figure like this:  +       or this:   -

                                                     0.5                 1.5


Upload a Scan or a Photo of your prescription to us using the form opposite or

Email (through our Contact Us page) or    
Post it to us
(address found on our ‘Contact Uspage).

OR, if you need ANY CLARIFICATION, you can call
us on:

           +44 (0)1908 965985

             Help with your Frame Size          

The simplest way for you to get the right frame size is to read the measurements from a comfortable pair of glasses that you already own. You can usually find the dimensions (perhaps with the help of a magnifying glass) on the inside of the arms/sides of your glasses and occasionally on the inside of the bridge (the part of your glasses that sits on your nose).

It is usually written in the format:  52-17-135  Thankfully, it is easy to distinguish what these numbers refer to:

  The much
higher figure (135) is the Arm Length (also known
    simply as the 'Sides').
  The middle figure (52) is easily identifiable as the Eye Size (also
    known as Lens
  The much lower figure (17) will be the Bridge Size/Width.

They do not need to be an exact fit but the nearer they
are to your current pair, the more likely the glasses you buy from us will be a comfortable fit. Please note that the Arm Length is less important in determining a comfortable fit than the Eye Size and Bridge Size are.

If you cannot identify any measurements (perhaps because they have worn away with time), you can either:

1)   Visit an optical shop and find a pair of glasses that feel
      comfortable. Note down the measurements (ask a staff
if you are not sure) and come back to

2)  Measure your own glasses. Measurements are in millimetres
      so you will need a millimetre ruler:

Bridge Size: 
The minimum horizontal distance between the rims on a metal or plastic frame or the minimum horizontal distance between the lenses for rimless frames.

Eye Size:
The eye size is the maximum horizontal width of either one of the lenses on your glasses.

Arm Length:  
Measure from the dowel point (the hinge area, where the arm connects to the main part of the frame) to the furthest point of the arm. This involves measuring to the bend and then measuring the drop separately. You can then add together the two measurements to get the final arm length.  
  What is my Pupillary Distance (or PD)?      

Your Pupillary Distance (PD) is the distance between your eyes, measured from the centre of one pupil to the centre of the other. Once we have your PD, we can then ensure that your lenses are made so that the centre of each lens lines up with the centre of your pupils. If you have a high strength prescription, (a sphere (SPH) reading higher than +/-3) a precise PD measurement is very important.

How can I find out my Pupillary Distance Measurement?     

Often, your optician will not include your PD measurement on your prescription so you can ask him/her after you have had your eyes tested or get in touch with him/her at a later date (see below on getting your PD measurement from a prescription).

If your prescription is not too high, (a sphere (SPH) reading between -2 and +2) we can make your glasses for you using an average pupillary distance measurement.

You can also measure your PD yourself, although we recommend you have someone help you rather than use a mirror:

    •  Place a millimetre ruler against your forehead and the bridge
       of your nose.

    •  Line up the zero mark of the ruler to the centre of one pupil.
    •  Read the millimetre measurement for the centre of the other

    •  Repeat this 3 or 4 times for accuracy.

If your glasses are for reading or computer work, the measurement for your PD is always slightly less than the 'distance' PD. If you are measuring your PD yourself, the measurement you get will be for 'distance'. If you require reading or computer glasses, please enter your PD for distance into our form and tell us in the 'Any Additional Information' box that you measured your PD yourself. We will then adjust the PD measurement if you've ordered glasses for reading or computer. If you don't write anything in the 'Any Additional Information' box, we will take the PD measurement you've entered into our form as the PD required for the specific glasses you have ordered.

Getting your PD Measurement if it is written on your Prescription  

If there are 2 PD measurements shown on your prescription, such as 63/60, this will mean that the 63mm figure is for distance use and 60mm will be your reading or computer PD.
If you have just one PD, this will more than likely be your distance PD. You may want to confirm with your optician as there is the possibility this was written with reading or computer glasses in mind.
Occasionally, your optician may write your PD for each eye, for example: 32/31. In this case, please write these figures into the 'Any Additional Information' box. The first figure is always the measurement for the right eye; the second figure, the measurement for the left eye.

Our Price:  £202.00



Frame Size (mm):  
Uploading a Prescription Scan/Photo?  


    Special Offer:  Order 2 pairs of glasses / sunglasses and receive the lowest value pair with 20% off....(can be the same pair or different pairs; also applies for reglazes).


    We have a more limited lens options range for Rimless Frames as certain lenses, such as 1.5 and 1.56 index lenses, are liable to crack with wear at the point where the lenses are mounted into the rimless frame. Polycarbonate lenses are the ideal lens for rimless glasses, but there is a limited prescription range for polycarbonates (see the 'Help with your Lens Options' section above). 1.6 AR, 1.67 AR and 1.6 AR Transition™ lenses are fine as well. 


    • For Women
    • Rimless Frame
    • Metal (Titanium) Front with Metal (Titanium) & Plastic Sides. Titanium is Ultra-Strong, yet is also very Lightweight and Flexible
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